Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Memorial Mass in Rochester, NY

Hi, This is Gracie, another one of Ada's sister.  Hope everyone is doing well. 

Rosalie Muschal-Reinhart, a dear friend of Ada Maria since 1975, and I have just finished making all the necessary arrangements for a Memorial Mass to celebrate Ada Maria's life here in Rochester.  All of you are invited and welcomed to the Memorial Mass which will be celebrated at St. Michael's Catholic Church -869 Clinton Avenue North, Rochester, NY - one of the parishes Ada Maria did her missionary work in, by Father Larry Tracy, who Ada Maria worked under his leadership, on Saturday July 28, 2012 at 11:00am with a small reception immediately following in St. Michael's Hall.  I will also be posting this notice in Ada Maria's Facebook page but if you know of anyone that would like to receive this information and we have not notified, please pass it on.

If you would like any more information, you could contact me at graciella.isasi@gmail.com
Have a wonderful summer and let's continue our life following my sister's steps.

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