Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hello, I am at MSK with Ada, I arrived a little while ago.  Ada is holding her own.  Her pain is under control and she is in the waiting game to get her kidneys to heal.  This is a slow process and none of us is very patient but the body heals at its own pace and so we wait.

My sister Tere, my niece Ali Mari and I are here with her.  In the next couple of days, we are going to have a consult with both her oncology and renal team, so that we can understand what are possible next steps.

Thanks for all of your wishes and prayers, we ask for your continued prayers and keep those cards coming, we have them up in her room..  El Camino is always easier when there is support...It always helps.

Thanks, Gloria


  1. Thank you for the post, Gloria -

    I'm sending prayers, love, and support to Ada and all of you, too.

    Pam (Brubaker)

  2. Queridas: Hable ayer con Mary y me conto las ultimas novedades. Esperamos el resultado de esa junta de medicos, con la esperanza de que ese organismo se equilibre y comience la verdadera recuperacion. Pedimos al Buen Dios y a mi Virgen del Pilar que ayuden a Ada a salir de este bache. Un besote, Blanca

  3. Gloria, I am certainly thinking of all of you a lot!! I am going to be in NYC this week and was hoping to see Ada if she was out of the hospital-- but she clearly is not ready for visitors right now. Tell her I will be aiming my sights at SKC while I am there, sending my love,
    Liz (Bounds)
