Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hi there, Ada and I are sitting here waiting for yet another test!!

THE PRIMARY SITE OF HER CANCER IS STILL UNKNOWN.  Ada asked me to write that all in caps, since she has gotten a few more emails that indicate that people believe that we do have a confirmed diagnosis and unfortunately, that is not true at this point.

Ok, what do we do know.  After some not so fun prep and procedures, it looks like her GI tract is clear and that is not the primary site.  So, they are still leaning towards ovarian cancer but it is not absolutely sure.

Today, she will have a biopsy, which should give them some cells to confirm the diagnosis.  She will also have another chest Xray and if her lungs look clear, they will then pull the tube that is presently draining her right lung.

The biopsy results are not immediate, so it is most likely that Ada will go home tomorrow and then hear from her doctor early next week with the confirmed diagnosis.  Once that is know, they will start her on the chemotherapy treatments that are the first step in her healing process.

Her spirits have been up and down but she is hanging tough.  The waiting is rough and the procedures are not fun, so it is hard to keep positive all the time but every day is another step.

She is checking emails and messages and they do help a lot.  Thanks to all that have already sent some and keep them coming.

Until next time...

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